Welcome to the Systems Biology Lab

The Systems Biology Lab studies the molecular networks inside cells that give rise to cell behavior and fitness, in isolation and in interaction with other cells and their environment. We focus on the principles and general understanding of how those networks adapt in response to environmental and genetic changes. We combine mathematical modelling, theory, and experiments. We apply the fundamental insights and methods in a biotechnological and biomedical setting.


Systems Biology Lab is run by profs Bas Teusink and Frank Bruggeman. The lab has 3 main research themes:

Examples of the type of research questions we ask are:

optimality plot

  How do networks rewire when cells are confronted with new conditions?


How does the heterogeneity at the single-cell level affect population-level behaviour?


How do (microbial) cells form stable ecosystems?

emulsion evolution

Can we characterise the optimal states of (metabolic) networks under different selective pressures?

Bioessays paper-04

How do biochemical and physical constraints at the level of molecules shape trade-offs that affect the evolution of molecular networks?


How do networks and regulatory molecules integrate multiple signals to steer the networks towards desired states?

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