Two honours students contributed to our research

In July, Eva Mooij and Mariah Kes joint our lab to do a short research programme for their honours programme. They worked together with Marijke and Jurgen on glycogen, ammonium and urea measurements in liver cancer cell cultures. They did a great job and it was good to have them in our lab

(and thanks to Vera for taking the picture)

We have vacancies!

We have obtained funds in a new TI Food and Nutrition project on trade-offs in industrially relevant traits, with a focus on dairy processes, cheese in particular. It is a collaboration with the Wageningen University, CSK food enrichments and FrieslandCampina. We are looking for two PhD candidates, one focussing on genome-scale metabolic modelling, and one on experimental studies, see job descriptions.

We are also looking for a postdoc for 2 years who can run fermentations and chemostats together with the TU Delft (group Pascale Daran-Lapujade and Jack Pronk), a job description will appear soon.

Marijke built her first fermentor

Marijke, our senior technician, is never old enough to learn new techniques. Here she proudly presents her first fermentor -still to be tested:-)

She will run controlled batch experiments for the EcoYeast project funded by Era-IB (industrial biotechnology).


Frank gave his inaugural speech

On Wednesday, June 29, Frank gave his inaugural speech for this University Research Chair in Interdisciplinary Life Sciences. The speech was in Dutch and with it came a written text. The day ended with a party where Frank received two wonderful gifts from the department and other colleagues: a glider (sailplane) flight and a picture of Frank explaining his Fabulous Fundamental Formula of Fitness, printed on wood.


You can download the written text (in Dutch) by clicking: inaugurele rede.


Paper on theory of evolution in the chemostat is out

Theoretical work from two former PhD students in the lab, Meike Wortel and Evert Bosdriesz is now published in Nature Scientific Reports (link to paper). It provides a theory that links molecular networks -using metabolic control analysis- and selection pressure in the chemostat. It is also shown that co-existence of fermenters and respirers can occur in population dynamical simulations of chemostat evolution, when product inhibition is taken into account.

Tutorial on FBA by Bas is online

Bas gave a 1 hour tutorial on stoichiometric modelling and flux balance analysis at the Whole Cell Modelling Course in Barcelona. The lecture was taped. It is really basic, but one of the students from the US told Bas that his talk alone was worth the trip over the ocean. Well, that must have been slightly exaggerated, but you can find the talk here.