Douwe Molenaar

Douwe Molenaar


  • Evolution
  • Microbiology
  • Mathematical modeling
  • Bioinformatics

Brief CV: I obtained my PhD degree in 1993 in the lab of Prof. Wil Konings, University of Groningen, The Netherlands, on the subject of transporters and transport phenomena in bacteria (you can find my thesis here). Subsequently, I was a PostDoc in the lab of Prof. Hans Westerhoff on the subject of theoretical biology (Netherlands Cancer Institute), and a PostDoc in the lab of Prof. H. Sahm (Institut für Biotechnologie, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany) on the subject of bioenergetics of Corynebacterium. I continued this work in the period 1996-2001 as a group leader at the Microbiology lab of the Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany. From 2001-2008 I worked as a project leader at NIZO food research, Ede, The Netherlands. Currently, I am employed as a researcher at the VU University Amsterdam.

Publications: My researcherID is D-2017-2010

Contact details
O2 building, room 01W09
T: +31 20 59 87196
F: +31 20 59 87229

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