We recently published an article in which we reviewed the different approaches that describe a puzzling metabolic phenomenon called overflow metabolism: (https://doi.org/10.1007/s00018-019-03380-2). Many different organisms secrete ‘overflow products’ in conditions where they grow and reproduce fast. For example, many yeasts produce ethanol, Escherichia coli produces acetate, and cancer cells produce lactate. This behaviour seems counter-intuitive
The System Bioinformatics section has a new name and from now on will be known as: Systems Biology Lab
A genome-scale metabolic reconstruction is a network of all biochemical reactions that can occur in a cell. These reconstructions have proven to be very useful because they can be used to make phenotypic predictions. Many computational tools to create these reconstructions have been created (or updated) recently, making these genome-scale reconstructions available for everyone. However,
Systeembioinformaticus Daan de Groot met Self-organising adaptation: a universal mechanism for microbial protein expression regulation Cellen kunnen zich aanpassen aan, en groeien in, een verbluffende hoeveelheid omgevingen. Dit lijkt, gezien de eenvoud van individuele cellen, een onmogelijke prestatie. Maar hoe zit dit als een populatie cellen gaat samenwerken? De onderzoekers stellen een universeel mechanisme voor
Two papers were recently published by Chrats about microbial communities. In the first paper, the authors show how microbial communities change during wine fermentations, what are the differences in microbial composition between vineyards and which ones are the species that are present during problematic fermentations. In the second paper, which is a first-authorship for Chrats,
JBAH-Vol.9 No.10 2019.pdf Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare www.iiste.org Vol.9, No.10, 2019 From Functional Potential of Soil Bacterial Communities Towards Petroleum Hydrocarbons Bioremediation Abstract Molecular ecology researches are rapidly advancing the knowledge of microorganisms associated with petroleum hydrocarbon degradation, one of the major large-scale pollutants in terrestrial ecosystems. The design and monitoring of bioremediation
We were represented well at the first edition of the multidisciplinary congress for life scientists: NWO Life 2019. Coco presented the three different methods that she developed to measure bacterial responses to antibiotics. Checkerboards, fermentors and droplets: Coco uses all of them to distinguish who invades, who resides, and who persists. Given that similar bacteria
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Faculty of Sciences
Systems Biology Lab
De Boelelaan 1108
The Netherlands
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