New paper: Modelling the gene expression cascade of Trypanosoma brucei with novel experimental data

Jurgen and Christoff contributed a kinetic modelling analysis to a publication that came out last month in Nucleic Acid Research. The paper describes improved measurements of globally quantify RNA processing rates and half-lives for mRNAs in the sleeping sickness parasite Trypanosoma brucei.

Christoff plugged those values into a kinetic model of gene expression. The modelling shows that RNA half-life is a stronger predictor of total mRNA levels than the RNA processing rates. However, none of the two processes alone was sufficient to fully predict total RNA levels. Instead, both processes exert control, and it is the combination of them that determines RNA total levels.

The paper is linked to other papers that our group published in collaboration with other groups: A previous model that Jurgen made in 2008, has now been used again to interpret improved datasets. For the modelling this is a follow up to analysis with versions of the model in 2014 and 2016.

Bas, Frank and Bob comment in Nature Metabolism on sensing of metabolic rates

How can you measure something that cannot be measured directly? Think of a rate: this must always be inferred from some other measurements. In the 6th of Jan issue of Nature Metabolism the Springer lab describes a new mechanism by which cells can measure metabolic rates – in this case rates of the conversion of the sugar galactose in Baker’s yeast. They found that the key enzyme of the galactose pathway, galactose kinase, not only sets the metabolic rate, but also directly regulates the enzyme levels of the pathway. Bas Teusink, Bob Planqué and Frank Bruggeman wrote a News & Views piece about the relevance of the finding. The VU-AIMMS researchers propose that this mechanism provides a missing link in our understanding how cells can optimally distribute cellular resources to maximize fitness. Read about it here:

New review: The pectin metabolizing capacity of the human gut microbiota

Ecem Yuksel, Remco Kort, and colleagues wrote a new review about the different bacteria in our intestines that can degrade a certain kind of dietary fiber called pectin, and how this can benefit our gut health. Check out the review here! (Picture from here)

The human gastrointestinal microbiota, densely populated with a diverse array of microorganisms primarily from the bacterial phyla Bacteroidota, Bacillota, and Actinomycetota, is crucial for maintaining health and physiological functions. Dietary fibers, particularly pectin, significantly influence the composition and metabolic activity of the gut microbiome. Pectin is fermented by gut bacteria using carbohydrate-active enzymes (CAZymes), resulting in the production of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) such as acetate, propionate, and butyrate, which provide various health benefits. The gastrointestinal microbiota has evolved to produce CAZymes that target different pectin components, facilitating cross-feeding within the microbial community. This review explores the fermentation of pectin by various gut bacteria, focusing on the involved transport systems, CAZyme families, SCFA synthesis capacity, and effects on microbial ecology in the gut. It addresses the complexities of the gut microbiome’s response to pectin and highlights the importance of microbial cross-feeding in maintaining a balanced and diverse gut ecosystem. Through a systematic analysis of pectinolytic CAZyme production, this review provides insights into the enzymatic mechanisms underlying pectin degradation and their broader implications for human health, paving the way for more targeted and personalized dietary strategies.

Bas speaks at VU’s Opening Academic Year

The new academic year kicked off on 2 September 2024 with the Opening Academic Year. This year’s theme was ‘Reasons for Hope’. Bas was interviewed as part of the panel and spoke as the Director of AIMMS about how we are committed to making a positive impact on life and the environment by accelerating breakthroughs in molecular science. He also highlighted our initiatives to unite a new generation of thinkers to address complex societal challenges, including organizing hackathons.

Our research featured in Quanta Magazine

Microbiologists are searching for a universal theory of how bacteria form communities based not on their species but on the roles they play.

A new article in the popular science magazine Quanta has highlighted our work on metabolic preferences and their genomic markers. How can we identify rules of microbial communities? What are the traits that determine success in a community? What level of abstraction is useful when thinking about the many species of bacteria living in a given community? How can we design microbial consortia? These are some of the questions that the research (including our own) described in this article is trying to unravel. Exciting times for microbial ecology!

Read the article here:

Herwig to lead €5M NWO Perspective Grant Consortium for plant-based fermentations

The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) granted the FERMI Perspective proposal led by Herwig Bachmann from the Systems Biology Lab. The project aims to accelerate the protein transition by improving the taste of plant-based products through fermentation by microbes. With colleagues from the Wageningen University and TU Delft and 10 industrial partners, the project will combine experimental and computational methods to unravel the biochemistry of the underlying conversions: which chemistry, enzymes and pathways turn beany and grassy flavours into meaty or neutral ones? This knowledge should accelerate a shift towards a more plant-based diet and will contribute to a more sustainable food production chain.

For more info, see the infographic below (click to enlarge).

Overview over the FERMI project

New paper: Genome content predicts the metabolic preferences of bacteria

Bacteria grow in communities of many co-occurring species in , e.g., in your gut, in soil, or in the ocean. A fundamental process in these communities (more specifically, communities of heterotrophic bacteria, i.e., bacteria that utilize organic carbon sources) is that bacteria take up substrates (basically, food) like sugars and amino acids from the environment and turn them into biomass or convert them into something else they then excrete. For this new paper, what we wanted to know was: which substrates can different bacteria use (we were focused on substrates they can use as a carbon source)? Can we identify patterns of substrate utilization, e.g., are similar compounds consumed by similar bacteria? Can we predict these patterns by looking at which genes different bacteria encode? Our work touches on several important questions in microbiology, from microbial ecology (how do microbial communities work?) to biochemistry (how does the structure of metabolic pathways shape substrate utilization patterns?) to genomics & evolution (how are capabilities of substrate utilization encoded in the genome, and how did evolution shape these genomic patterns?).

High-throughput growth characterization workflow used in this project

By analyzing the growth of 182 different strains of marine bacteria on 135 different potential carbon sources, we found that we can describe the substrate preferences of our bacteria to a first approximation in terms of their preference for sugars (e.g., glucose or polysaccharides like starch) relative to acids (e.g., amino acids or organic acids which are important intermediate during the chemical conversion of substrates into biomass). This preference is encoded in the genomes of bacteria, which tells us about the evolution of these preferences, but also makes the preferences predictable from genomes.

Analysis of growth phenotypes shows that the main discriminatory characteristic between species is the degree to which they prefer sugars or acids.

Our work reveals a way to simplify how we think about the metabolic capabilities of bacteria: we can describe a given heterotrophic bacterium by its degree of specialization along the axis of sugar to acid specialists. This is very useful because it allows us to describe communities of bacteria in a simple way (e.g., by their collective degree of specialization). More fundamentally, our work also shows how the evolution of bacterial genomes is structured by biochemical constraints which drives bacteria to specialize along this axis of sugar to acid specialists. Since the metabolic preferences are encoded in genomes, we can estimate the metabolic capabilities of species that we have not (yet) cultured, but for which we have genomic information (e.g., by sequencing entire communities and piecing together the genomes of the constituent species, a process called metagenomics). This allows us to begin to understand the metabolic processes in many microbial communities in the environment in a simplified manner.

Through evolution, species may be selected to specialize in either glycolysis or gluconeogenesis. This saves them from having to switch directions often as environmental conditions change (which is expensive), but this reduces their metabolic adaptability, which may be bad in fluctuating environments.

Out now: Genome content predicts the carbon catabolic preferences of heterotrophic bacteria

New paper: Lifestyle influences microbiome

In primate species, a change in lifestyle leads to adjustments in their microbiome. What does this mean? 

The study subject, the ARTIS gorilla Akili

Over the last years, ARTIS Micropia Professor Remco Kort and his Bioinformatics & Systems Biology student Isabel Houtkamp studied the faeces of the western lowland gorilla. They did this by comparing the composition of the microbiome of the ARTIS gorillas with that of their wild counterparts – and also with that of humans. They were assisted by Walter Pirovano and Mark Bessem of the company BaseClear, experts in the field of microbial DNA analyses. This research revealed interesting correspondences. In both primate species, a change in lifestyle led to adjustments in their microbiome. So what does this mean? 

To find out, check out their new paper here and a behind-the-scenes story Remco wrote for Micropia.

Summary of Planetary Health meeting published

Image preview

A new network of over 72 organizations from 12 countries was activated during a convening at ARTIS in Amsterdam on 26–27 September 2022, organized by Remco Kort. Representatives are aligned with the transdisciplinary field and social movement of Planetary Health, which analyzes and addresses the impacts of human disruptions to natural systems on human health and all life on Earth. The new European Planetary Health Hub consists of organizations from various sectors, including universities, healthcare, youth, business, and civil society. The Convening, co-organized by the Planetary Health Alliance (PHA), the European Environment and Sustainable Development Advisory Councils Network (EEAC), and Natura Artis Magistra (ARTIS), aimed to develop Planetary Health Working Groups for Education, Policy Engagement, Research, and Movement Building. The Convening resulted in an outline for each of the Working Group’s aims, visions, missions, priorities, and activities, and set the framework for sustaining their activities in the future through the establishment of the European Planetary Health Hub Secretariat in the Netherlands. The Hub members shared lessons learned, built relationships, and developed artwork-inspired perspectives on Planetary Health. In conclusion, the Convening led to the establishment of a strong European foundation to contribute to the transformations needed for sustainable, just, and equitable societies that flourish within the limits of our ecosystems. The conclusions of the meeting are now published in Challenges.

For more information on the meeting, see VU News and read the meeting summary paper.

New perspective on principles in microbial ecology published

Microbial communities play pivotal roles in ecosystems across different scales, from global elemental cycles to household food fermentations. These complex assemblies comprise hundreds or thousands of microbial species whose abundances vary over time and space. Unraveling the principles that guide their dynamics at different levels of biological organization, from individual species, their interactions, to complex microbial communities, is a major challenge. To what extent are these different levels of organization governed by separate principles, and how can we connect these levels to develop predictive models for the dynamics and function of microbial communities?

In a new perspective piece, Matti discusses recent advances that point towards principles of microbial communities, rooted in various disciplines from physics, biochemistry, and dynamical systems. By focusing on principles that transcend specific microbiomes, we can pave the way for a comprehensive understanding of microbial community dynamics and the development of predictive models for diverse ecosystems.

“Searching for Principles of Microbial Ecology Across Levels of Biological Organization” is now published in Integrative and Comparative Biology (