Lab News

This week we moved to our new building!

For more information see: O2 building information

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We have a vacancy for a PhD position

The Systems Bioinformatics section of the VU University in Amsterdam (NL) is offering a 3-year position for a PhD student to study How a single cell integrates multiple signals via one of its G-protein coupled receptors We are looking for a master student with a degree in systems biology, biophysics, or molecular biology who is

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Johan van Heerden got his PhD

On January 11th Johan van Heerden defended his PhD entitled: “Dynamic regulation of yeast glycolysis through trehalose cycling:  a probabilistic view of metabolic transitions”, of which Bas was the promoter. The committee comprised of prof Stefan Hohmann, prof Hans Westerhoff, prof Barbara Bakker, prof Frank Bruggeman and Dr Aljoscha Wahl. Previous group members, Jan Berkhout and Filipe Santos were the

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Modelling, standards – another day in the life …

Modelling standards and systems biology, you hear a lot of talk about both these topics. But what would it mean if modellers and software engineers actually started using them. In the latest special issue of ERCIM news dealing with “Big Data” Brett and Bas take a look at an idealized day in the life of

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New book chapter on simulation tools and Systems Medicine

A new book on Systems Medicine has recently been published and includes a contribution on Modeling and Simulation Tools: From Systems Biology to Systems Medicine co-authored by ex-VU colleagues Martijn Mone, Maciej Swat and Brett Olivier. We explore how software and standards need to evolve when considering Systems Medicine as compared to Systems Biology and

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Dan Fraenkel and Jens Nielsen have written an in-depth review of our Science paper

Dan Fraenkel and Jens Nielsen recently undertook an in-depth review and extended analysis of our Science paper (van Heerden et al., 2014), and we are excited to see that their story has been published! Fraenkel and Nielsen, 2016. Trehalose-6-phosphate synthase and stabilization of yeast glycolysis

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Timo Maarleveld got his PhD

On December 17th Timo Maarleveld defended his PhD entitled: “Fluxes and Fluctuations in Biochemical Models”. The committee comprised of prof Klaas Hellingwerf, prof Vitor Martins dos Santos, prof Pieter-Rein Tenwolde, prof Jaap Heringa and prof David Fell. Bas and Frank were promoter, Brett was co-promoter, his first time!

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Standardizing constraint-based models: FBC version 1 published

Constraint-based modelling is a popular methodology used in systems biology whose stock in trade is the genome-scale model. However an ongoing problem in this field is that no formal standard exists for encoding such models. Brett Olivier together with Frank Bergmann have led the development of an extension to the Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML),

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We organised an introductory systems biology course

As part of the BioSB Research School, which brings together bioinformaticians and systems biologists, we organised an introductory systems-biology course. In this course, we focussed on the basics of mathematical modelling of molecular circuits and the emergent properties of those circuits, such as their (in)stability, robustness and (in)sensitivity properties. We will organise a similar course next

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Our time-lapse segmentation and tracking algorithm can now also track growing S. pombe

We have been hard at work developing an automated segmentation and tracking tool to analyse microscopic time-lapse movies of growing bacteria. After a few minor adjustments and additions we can now also segment and track fission yeast (Schizosaccharomyces pombe) growing on an agarose pad. Our algorithm is now in its final stages of development and testing, and

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