Lab News

Iraes Rabbers wins the AIMMS PhD competition

On the 13th of April, our institute, the Amsterdam Institute for Molecules, Medicines and Systems (AIMMS), organised its annual symposium with a PhD student contest for best talk of the day. Iraes Rabbers presented her thesis work on the optimality of protein expression in E coli, and won! Congrats Iraes, well done!

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We are organising a meeting on Systems Biology of Metabolic Regulation

On March 28 we have an exciting number of presentations scheduled by yeast experimentalists and theoretical systems biologists trying to work out the underlying principles of metabolic regulation. You are welcome to attend this meeting. For more information, go and see the meeting information here.

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Our master in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology is TOP!

In the latest results from the National Student Enquete (Inquiry) NSE our master got an 8.2 out of 10, and this makes it officially a TOP master, one of only 6 TOP masters at the VU. The master is a joined effort of Systems Bioinformatics and Bioinformatics from the VU, and the Life Science groups from the

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First recommendation for F1000 published

Bas was asked to contribute recommendations to the Faculty of 1000, and group members can nominate papers, and help write the recommendation – and get the credits. This month’s recommendation can be seen here. Article details: Dynamic control of gene regulatory logic by seemingly redundant transcription factors. Z AkhavanAghdam, J Sinha, OP Tabbaa and N

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Jurgen published a new paper on Network-based drug design in Scientific Reports

Jurgen published a paper from his postdoc in the labs of Prof. Barbara Bakker (UMCG) and Hans Westerhoff (Molecular Cell Physiology, AIMMS, VU) What it is about: To avoid side-effects of drug treatment to healthy cells, drug target selection studies often focus on protein targets that are only found a disease-causing cell. However, many disease-causing

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Mathematicians in the wetlab!

More and more ‘dry’ scientists are going into the wetlab. Today, Rinke showed students and Bob (on the right) around in our wetlab as part of the Workshop Mathematical Modelling (a third year course for VU and UvA Mathematics students). Will this be a one-time event or do they now never want to leave the wetlab…?

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it happened again: a dry PhD student turns wet

Chrats is a computer scientist specialised in machine learning, which he applies to metagenomics data of wine fermentations. He could not resist to test some of his predictions in the lab. One of the great advantages of having both dry and wet people in the same lab. We are all very proud…

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Philipp Savakis got his PhD

Philipp -postdoc in the group- defended his PhD at the University of Amsterdam, with prof Klaas Hellingwerf as promoter. He did very well and with his direct and very correct answers, it appeared harder for the committee members than for him! Well done Philipp!

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Mark Hanemaaijer got his PhD

Mark defended his PhD thesis on the modelling of microbial ecosystems on November the 22nd 2016. Ines Thiele, Hans Westerhoff, Gerard Muyzer, Fons Stam and Herwig Bachmann were in the thesis committee. Thanks to them for their efforts and congrats to Mark!  

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Willi, Brett, Frank and Bas have published a review on constraint-based modelling in single organisms and microbial communities

Willi, Brett, Frank and Bas have written a review on constraint-based modelling in the Journal of The Royal Society Interface The paper can be found here

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