Lab News

Mathematicians in the wetlab!

More and more ‘dry’ scientists are going into the wetlab. Today, Rinke showed students and Bob (on the right) around in our wetlab as part of the Workshop Mathematical Modelling (a third year course for VU and UvA Mathematics students). Will this be a one-time event or do they now never want to leave the wetlab…?

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it happened again: a dry PhD student turns wet

Chrats is a computer scientist specialised in machine learning, which he applies to metagenomics data of wine fermentations. He could not resist to test some of his predictions in the lab. One of the great advantages of having both dry and wet people in the same lab. We are all very proud…

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Philipp Savakis got his PhD

Philipp -postdoc in the group- defended his PhD at the University of Amsterdam, with prof Klaas Hellingwerf as promoter. He did very well and with his direct and very correct answers, it appeared harder for the committee members than for him! Well done Philipp!

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Mark Hanemaaijer got his PhD

Mark defended his PhD thesis on the modelling of microbial ecosystems on November the 22nd 2016. Ines Thiele, Hans Westerhoff, Gerard Muyzer, Fons Stam and Herwig Bachmann were in the thesis committee. Thanks to them for their efforts and congrats to Mark!  

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Willi, Brett, Frank and Bas have published a review on constraint-based modelling in single organisms and microbial communities

Willi, Brett, Frank and Bas have written a review on constraint-based modelling in the Journal of The Royal Society Interface The paper can be found here

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Jurgen and Joep win presentation award

At the 3rd exchange meeting of EraSysApp, Jurgen gave a presentation together with Joep Vanlier about our Imomesic project on liver cancer signalling and metabolism. The audience could vote for the best presentation and they won! Congrats guys!  

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Housewarming party in Arnhem

Bas moved to a new house with a view over the Rhine and gave a housewarming party for the group. “Good food, good wine, good company and a great venue” summarizes the party, according to Brett.  

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Attacking blood-borne parasites with mathematics

Jurgen is the senior author on a new book chapter that describes how mathematical modelling can help understand metabolism in parasites and guide drug target identification. The chapter focusses on recent advances for Trypanosoma brucei and Plasmodium Falciparum The chapter is part of a book on “Comprehensive Analysis of Parasite Biology: From Metabolism to Drug Discovery: From

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Two honours students contributed to our research

In July, Eva Mooij and Mariah Kes joint our lab to do a short research programme for their honours programme. They worked together with Marijke and Jurgen on glycogen, ammonium and urea measurements in liver cancer cell cultures. They did a great job and it was good to have them in our lab (and thanks

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We have vacancies!

We have obtained funds in a new TI Food and Nutrition project on trade-offs in industrially relevant traits, with a focus on dairy processes, cheese in particular. It is a collaboration with the Wageningen University, CSK food enrichments and FrieslandCampina. We are looking for two PhD candidates, one focussing on genome-scale metabolic modelling, and one

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